Bottling experiences in physics.
My mission is to promote positive relationships in physics through direct sensory interactions with real phenomena in three dimensional space.
I believe that these experiences:
for the individual,
reignite curiosity
develop agency
for society,
provide a common reality based in shared direct observation
promote the practice of constructive deliberation toward a healthier democracy
and for the planet,
foster a mindset of sustainability
cultivate harmony between technology and nature.
My K-12 school days were starved of opportunities for uncurated experimentation and creativity. I was lucky to have a place to go after school where I could tinker to my hearts delight.
With a master's degree in Teaching and Teacher Education and a 20 year career in both formal and informal Science Education, I understand the effect that free choice has on how science and engineering is engaged by kids--especially as it pertains to fostering innovation.
Your senses are a big part of what make you feel alive. Whether it's the way an image appears in a bead of water, the way the pitch of a half-full teapot bends, or the way an electrical current tingles, noticing new phenomena creates pathways to understanding the universe.
Every chance I get, I use available materials to create the conditions that give rise to unusual physical effects so that they can be conveniently summoned. I delight in sharing these experiences with others.
Having never really grown up myself, I have a keen sense of what kids enjoy. I specialize in activities that captivate interest and awaken creativity while also building intuitions in physics and engineering.
Personally presenting live or on camera is not my area of strength or interest. But I love to become the wizard behind the scenes so that physics can be brought to life before an audience. Whether it's giant smoke rings, a tornado of flames, a laser fog vortex, a hydrogen/oxygen explosion, interfering waves of sound, or a hovercraft magic carpet, I like to create unforgettable experiences.
CSWs answer a deep need for a dedicated space to investigate, manipulate, and create in a self-paced environment. Similar to makerspaces, CSW's differ in that the science they provide is motivated by personal wellbeing, social justice, and environmental stewardship. As a strong advocate for the proliferation of CSW's, and as the Creative Director of the Free Science Workshop, I'm committed to helping the movement grow in any way I can.
"If in the course of some wandering I come onto something delightful or exhilarating or beautiful or insightful, I want to tell someone else what I have found. More than that, I want to bring them along with me to share what I have discovered."
- Frank Oppenheimer